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Theology at Saint Thomas Academy.

Theology is the cornerstone of our educational process. By stressing the moral dimension of leadership, we strive to help young men be capable, just, compassionate, and forthright citizens. In assisting students in their faith formation, we seek to help develop a spirituality that encourages young men to desire personal holiness as well as to become servant leaders who welcome and care for each other. It is our hope that each student will come to know the mystery of God’s abiding presence and the depth of God’s love for all.

Department Chair Overview

The mission of Saint Thomas Academy is to create Christian leaders. The Theology Department is an integral element in this educational process. As a department, we stress the moral dimension of leadership. We strive to help young men be capable, just, compassionate, and forthright citizens. In assisting students in their faith formation, we seek to develop a spirituality that encourages young men to desire personal holiness as well as to become servant leaders who welcome and care for each other. It is our hope that each student will come to know the mystery of God’s abiding presence and the depth of God’s love for all. It is our goal as a department to develop educated and informed Catholics who seek to be knowledgeable in their faith, who are willing to embrace the challenges of Christianity in the new millennium, and who are ready to work for the Church’s social mission of justice and peace.

The following is a list of general curriculum objectives which identify what will be covered within the Theology Department curriculum:

  • Students will possess basic Biblical interpretation skills and demonstrate a reverence for and appreciation of God’s word found in sacred Scripture.

  • Students will understand the basic teachings of the Church as articulated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (i.e. sacraments, creed,Ten Commandments, beatitudes, spiritual/corporal works of mercy, virtues, precepts of Church).

  • Students will understand their obligation to act morally and ethically as responsible Christians according to the dictates of a well informed and formed conscience.

  • Students will know and understand the Church’s teaching pertaining to sexual morality and respect for life in all forms.

  • Students will have a basic understanding of the history and theology of the Church.

  • Students will have a knowledge and appreciation of contemporary religious and spiritual leaders.

  • Students will be able to understand the nature of liturgy and prayer and the movement from liturgy and prayer to service.

  • Students will explore Christ’s invitation to discipleship and the call to personal holiness by exploring those lifestyles that are compatible with this common Christian vocation.

  • Students will know the key principles of Catholic social teaching and will be able to identify these as central and essential elements of their faith.

  • Students will learn to respect the diversity of religious traditions.

  • Students will develop reflective and critical thinking skills; moral and creative imaging skills; and prayer and dialogical skills, which allow them to research and identify, assess and evaluate, discern, judge, and determine action in light of Gospel values and Church teaching.

Middle School Theology Staff

Joel Loecken
STA teacher since 2017
Teaches 7th grade Theology 
651-683-1555 x 1332 and

Middle School Theology Staff

Joel Seidel
STA Teacher since 1987
Teaches 8th grade Theology
651-683-1555 x 1531 and

Photo of Joe Seidel