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Image of a pink flamingo floatation device in water, courtesy of Vicko Mozara
David Jacobson

Minnesota summers can be crazy hot and humid, so here is a guide on how to have a cool summer. Remember, when the weather is unbearable, it's OK to stay inside, and enjoy the air conditioning. Otherwise, consider how cool it would be to:

Explore. Get out into the great outdoors. Even though Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes, there probably are more. Whether within walking distance, a shot bike ride away, or a day's drive, check them out!

Trouble deciding which ones to visit? Take the challenge of hitting as many of these lakes with the most unusual names: Bde Maka Ska, Esquagama, Gabimichigami, Kabekona, Kekekabic, Winnibigoshish, Saganaga, Manganika, Mazaska, Okamanpedan, Ozawindib, Siseebakwet, Waukenabo, Zabolio, and Cookoosh. The names themselves elicit wonder and promise some education in language and culture of Minnesota's native tribes.

Fail. Stick with us on this one. Failing often results from trying something new, which always entails a learning experience. If you persist in pursuing your new skill or interest, you eventually improve, plus you learn how to develop resilience in the face of an initial failure.

Try an unusual new sport (stand-up paddleboarding), a new craft (woodworking), or domestic skill (cooking, or perhaps the even tougher challenge of properly folding a shirt). No matter your eventual level of success, trying new things is its own reward!

Exercise. Play informal pick-up sports. Keep fit for your Academy team(s). Or just run, cycle or swim – alone or with friends and family – for the sheer joy of movement.

Exercise will awaken your senses, jump start your brain, and keep you from sinking too deeply into the temptation of summer sloth. It's also an opportunity to keep in touch with your buddies from the Academy and strengthen those bonds of brotherhood.

Relax. While many of the suggestions so far emphasize activity, learning, and exploration, do take time to relax. Let's face it, the school year is a whirlwind, so it's important to take advantage of the opportunity to do nothing but simply be. That may involve meditation or mindfulness practice, which deepen relaxation and are another path to self-improvement, but even if you don't include those disciplines…relax.

Read. Yes, you read that right. Read. As in books. Maybe start with those on your official Saint Thomas Academy reading list

Write. You might be surprised how enjoyable writing is when it’s not just a must for making grades.

Hang out and talk. Talk, with your mouth, not your texting fingers. Deepen your relationships with friends and family. Learn about their lives, and help others learn from yours. Most anyone you know has unique experiences and perspective, and so do you.

Most of the suggestions here are meant to appeal to the Cadet in you, your drive to improve yourself, learn more, and broaden your horizons. Indulge in your natural curiosity. Go ahead, scratch that itch, and we don't mean the one from a Minnesota summer mosquito bite.

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