Sports Medicine
Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) is committed to providing world-class service. TCO’s dedicated teams of independent physicians, specialty providers and care coordinators serve patients in clinic locations, walk-in orthopedic urgent care locations, and numerous other therapy and specialty care settings across Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Regardless of the location, TCO delivers an exceptional patient experience, backed by decades of trusted orthopedic and sports medicine care.
The partnership between Saint Thomas Academy and TCO began in fall of 2020 and we are excited to grow together! As the school’s Licensed Athletic Trainer, Cole Hartwigsen, MS, ATC, CSCS, along with the team of Athletic Trainers at TCO, prioritize safety above all else for the student-athletes at STA. Cole not only has the knowledge and skills to evaluate and treat your son’s injuries, but also has access to all TCO physicians and services to get them back to sport on the fastest and safest track.
Steven Meisterling, MD will serve as the Team Physician to the athletes of STA. Dr. Meisterlingis a board certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon who holds a subspecialty certification in sports medicine. He specializes in arthroscopy of the knee, shoulder, and elbow; joint replacement of the knee, hip, and shoulder; and elbow reconstruction. To learn more about Dr. Meisterilng, visit
To contact Cole email or call 651-683-1525. Your son can also see Cole after school in the Athletic Training Room or on the sideline of varsity games.
Please follow this link for additional information from TCO specific to STA: Parent Letter.
While on campus, Cole is available daily after school in the Athletic Training Room from 2:15 - 6:00 PM. Student-athletes should notify their coach if they will be late or missing practice to see Cole.
Parents are encouraged to reach out if there are any specific questions. Cole will do his best to contact parents as needed and will be in touch if there is a significant injury or concern.
Per the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) it is required that if a student-athlete is seen by a physician for an injury or illness, he MUST have a signed note from that provider (bylaw 107.00). The student-athlete will not be allowed to participate without the note.
Sports Performance training is offered to STA student-athletes via Training HAUS, powered by TCO. Our certified strength and conditioning coach, Steve Rosga, PES is on-site daily working with the teams in and out of the weight room. Sports performance and sports medicine work in synchronization to allow the STA student-athlete to reach the peak potential and goals.
Together TCO and Training HAUS provide various other services for students including access to registered dietitians, physical therapy, sports performance coaches, sports chiropractors, massage therapist, sports phycologist, and more. If you would like to learn more about any of these services please email Cole or call 651-683-1525.
ImPact Testing:
The ImPACT (Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) concussion test is a tool we have available to our student-athletes to help us in our clinical diagnosis and return to activity decisions. This is a computer-based test that uses multiple different tasks to determine aspects such as memory recall, reaction time, etc. This test is required by STA to be completed yearly prior to the start of the season. If you would like your child to take a pre-injury baseline ImPACT test (should the event of a concussion occur it is beneficial to have a baseline in order to compare results rather than using the normative data, please email Cole or call (651-683-1525) for administration of the test.
Concussion Information:
As an Athletic Trainer, Cole is specifically trained in concussion evaluation, treatment, and referral needs. He will assess your son’s injury and give his recommendation based on that assessment.
Per the MSHSL, Cole will assist your son through the required Return to Play Progression if they are diagnosed with a concussion either by Cole or by another medical provider. Here is a link to the progression.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website provides additional credible, unbiased health information.
STA requires that an updated ImPACT (Concussion) test is completed YEARLY to be able to participate in the following sports:
Alpine Ski
Pole Vault (Track and Field)
Here is a way to perform this test at home. All you need is a computer, reliable internet access, and a mouse. I must stress the importance of having a mouse. If you do not have one the test will come back invalid. Here are the steps to access the test:
1. Enter into your browser (preferably google chrome)
2. Enter Code: 874084c995
3. Saint Thomas Academy should appear on the screen. Click Launch test
4. Read all instructions prior to the test. It will collect background demographics.
5. Complete all test sections
6. Once the test is completed send Cole Hartwisgen, ATC (School Athletic Trainer) a separate email ( stating that your ImPACT Test has been completed and can be updated in our system.
Per STA participation requirements this ImPACT (Concussion) Test must be completed and recorded in our system prior to participation in athletic activities. This means that if this test has not been completed prior to the first day of practice, you will not be able to practice until completed.
STUDENTS ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO FILL OUT AND SUBMIT THE MSHSL ELIGIBILITY FORM, this form needs to be signed by the parent and student and returned before August 16, 2024.
PHYSICAL INFORMATION: Required every 3 years by MSHSL
MSHSL Physical form, or your doctor may use his own form.
Please contact Matt Pryor @ 651-683-1512 or with any questions?