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When you give a gift to the Saint Thomas Academy Endowment, you are creating or contributing to a permanent trust that works to financially assist the institution in perpetuity. You are helping us solidify a healthy economic future. Our endowment, which is managed by DeMarche, helps to cover operating expenses for Saint Thomas Academy, as well as provides numerous scholarship opportunities for our students. When you contribute to the Saint Thomas Academy Endowment, you are ensuring that our facilities stay cutting-edge, our teachers remain the best in the industry, and a wide variety of students have access to our rigorous academics.

New endowed funds are created at the $50,000 mark through a single major gift, a pledge paid off over the course of five (5) years, or several donations that total $50,000 or greater. Until a new fund reaches the $50,000 threshold, it will sit untouched in a restricted account.


Please feel free to donate to an established endowed fund below. You may leave the name of the fund in the comment section, or you may select 'Other' from the dropdown menu, and enter the fund name in the box.

If you need help remembering the name of the fund, please visit the link above to find the fund you're looking for. If you believe your fund is missing from this list or you have any questions, please contact Kristin Olds at