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Mothers' Morning of Prayer

Mothers’ Morning of Prayer 2022: “Encourage One Another in Holy Hope”

Join together on Friday, April 1 at Saint Thomas Academy from 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. as we explore how to become the remnant that God is using to transform the world. Event speaker and leader, Dr. Kate Walsh-Soucheray, will lead us through a discussion about navigating these difficult times as women of faith. She will encourage us to fill our “Stroke Banks” to promote resilience and to cultivate friendships which are so important to women. We will pray together, reflect, have small group time to share and get to know other mothers and guardians in the Saint Thomas Academy and Visitation communities. All Saint Thomas Academy and Visitation mothers, guardians, alum moms, and Visitation alumnae are invited!

$5.00 suggested donation at the door

Registration Here

The morning begins with Mass at 8:30 AM in the Saint Thomas Academy chapel. We will transition to the Wright Lecture Hall for light refreshments, speaker and small group time.  The morning will adjourn by 11:45 AM.

Event is sponsored by the Saint Thomas Academy Mothers’ Club and the Visitation Parents’ Association. The event is chaired by Amy Peltier, Kate McMahon, and Jackie Harvey.

For More Information on Dr. Kate Walsh-Soucheray