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STA Weekly News & Events

All School

It is our distinct pleasure to announce recipients of the 2023-24 academic year Eagle, Saber, and Torch Awards, see the list HERE. Congratulations are in order for this remarkable achievement!  Awards will be shared with recipients during various events, including Community Time and Military Leadership and Middle School Formation.

Join Visitation School for a Middle & Upper School Admissions Evening on Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. Learn about an all-girls education, see teachers in action, tour our beautiful campus - Experience Vis! Register at

Consider inviting a friend or family member who would like to learn more about Visitation's Middle and Upper School. Many families join the Vis and STA communities in large part due to the wonderful families who are already a part of it, thank you for sharing what you love about Vis with others! 

Visitation School focuses on offering a uniquely empowering experience to girls. They learn to speak confidently, lead eagerly, and live comfortably in their own skin. They come to see themselves as they are: impressive young women, ready for the world. In Visitation’s all-girls Middle and Upper School, we know girls and we know how girls learn best. Learn more at


It is a wonderful day each year when grandparents spend the day with their grandsons on campus at Saint Thomas Academy.  We look forward to welcoming grandparents to school on Thursday, September 26 for our annual Grandparents' Day celebration. Please RSVP here for grandparents to attend.

Volunteers are also needed to make the day a success!  Please consider volunteering for a portion of the day HERE!

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  • Grandparent Arrival: 7:45 - 8:15 a.m.
  • Coffee, rolls, tours & photos with your grandson(s)
  • Optional STA History Presentation and Crack Drill Performance
  • Mass: 9:30 a.m.
  • Upper School Pass in Review: 10:45 a.m.
  • School dismissed (no lunch): 11:45 a.m.

The Cadet Maker is open from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.

Please contact Martha Parish about volunteer opportunities in the store.


Ties and Cufflinks September 3-20. 

All silk bow ties and fashion ties and cufflinks are on sale. 
In store and online. 

Perfect for holiday events and gift giving.

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The Cadet Maker is now available ONLINE! 
Are you an alum living in a different state? Maybe a grandparent watching their grandson play on Cadet Broadcasting from Arizona?  You can now have access to great Cadet merchandise without ever having to leave home!  Check us out online at Cadets.Com/Cadetmaker

Upper School

Upper School Cadets who have a grandparent attending on September 26, should be at school by 8 a.m.

Upper School Cadets who do not have a grandparent attending on September 26, should be at school by 10:40 a.m. for the Pass & Review.

Any Cadet who has a physical rank at home (the lapel worn on the shoulders of the uniform) that is no longer in use, please bring them in to the Quartermaster.  The new tabs are back ordered and we are experiencing a shortage across the Corps.

Saint Thomas Academy students who drive to school must register their vehicle(s) using this form: STA Vehicle Registration Form. A free parking permit will be issued and must be displayed on the rear view mirror so that it is visible through the windshield. Every student vehicle must have a permit. Please complete one form per vehicle.

Please do not re-register if your car already has a permit, because permits do carry over from year to year. Did your son get a new or different car - please register the new car. 

Permits are not interchangeable. Overnight parking is not allowed. Students may not park in the reserved spaces.

Students may pick up permits from Mrs. Greeley at the Flynn Hall desk during the school year. 

Middle School

Thank you for attending Back to School Night on Monday. It was great seeing so many friendly faces, and we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to attend this event. Teachers have posted syllabi on Schoology. Please use your login credentials to access course material. Should you need a refresher on how to utilize either Powerschool or Schoology, please email Paul McKeehan, He will be sure to get you set up and running! We are grateful for the opportunity to work with your sons and look forward to an amazing year. 

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

Important Dates
Friday, September 13 Tackle Cancer T- shirt Out of Uniform/TCO Game
Monday, September 16 Middle School Haircut & Uniform Inspection
Friday, September 20 School Picture Day (Formal Uniform)
Tuesday, September 24 Guest speaker, details below 
Thursday, September 26 Grandparents’ Day - Early Dismissal, 11:40 a.m.
Wednesday, October 2 Late Start, classes begin at 9:30
Wednesday, October 9 No School Middle School  - PSAT for Juniors

Upcoming Formal Uniform - Long sleeve, tie, sweater required

  • Wednesday, September 18 for Eagle Award recipients only
  • Friday, September 20 - Picture Day
  • Thursday, September 26 - Grandparents Day

Fall Sports
Please speak with your son about fall sports- it’s not too late to sign up! Questions can be directed to Mr. Pryor at  Joining a team is a great way to get to know other students and form connections within the middle school.  

Optional Tackle Cancer Out of Uniform and TCO Game
Join us as we take part in the annual Tackle Cancer event in support of the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund. The event will culminate at the much anticipated rivalry game between the Cadets and the Cretin Derham Hall Raiders on September 13 at the TCO Stadium, home to the Minnesota Vikings Practice Facility.
Students who purchased a 2024 Tackle Cancer t-shirt may come fully out of uniform on Friday, but must wear the t-shirt.  Pants or shorts should be in good repair.  Please no hats, sandals, or crocs.  Students who did not purchase the t-shirt or who do not want to come out of uniform must be fully in fall uniform.  

Stadium Policy
Please read the stadium policy for supervision and ticketing policies at all high school athletic events.  The following comes directly from our Athletic Event Ticket Page and coincides with the MSHSL policies:
In order to attend high school events, elementary and middle school students:

  • Must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian at all times
  • Students are expected to sit with the parent or guardian they arrived with and to be supervised at all times.  Please discuss these expectations with your child. 
  • Youth ticket holders must be accompanied by an adult upon admission. If students show up without an adult, they will not be permitted to enter. 
  • Questions should be directed to Jacob Sand in the Saint Thomas Academy athletic department. 

Middle School Haircut & Uniform Inspection 
Middle School students will have a uniform and haircut inspection on September 16 prior to picture day and Grandparents Day. Please plan for uniform fixes and haircut appointments to ensure compliance.  

Middle School Guest Speaker
On Tuesday, September 24, the middle school will welcome LaVelle E. Neal III, author of The Franchise: Minnesota Twins. Students have the opportunity to purchase a copy of his book for $30.00.  Mr. Neal will autograph all purchased books.  If you or your son are interested in purchasing a book, please send in cash only in a labeled envelope. Please see below a description of his book. We are so excited to welcome Mr. Neal and hear about his experiences with the Minnesota Twins. 
This thoughtful and engaging collection of essays captures the astute fans’ history of the franchise, going beyond well-worn narratives of yesteryear to uncover the less-discussed moments, decisions, people, and settings that fostered the Twins' one-of-a-kind identity. Through wheeling and dealing, mythmaking and community building, explore where the organization has been, how it got to prominence in the modern major league landscape, and how it’ll continue to evolve and stay in contention for generations to come.

2023-2024 School Year Yearbooks
The 2023-2024 yearbooks were  passed out to students who ordered a book through Jostens during the 23/24 school year.  Online ordering for the 2023-2024 yearbook is NOT available.  If you did not place an order last fall for a yearbook and your son would like a 2023-2024 yearbook, he may purchase one in the Cadet Maker.  A limited amount will be available for purchase.  

2024-2025 Yearbooks
The 2024-2025 yearbooks will be available for pre-order on September 16.  These yearbooks will only be available to order through a link that Jostens will send out to the parent or guardian's email.   Please note, this link will not allow families to purchase the 2023-2024 yearbook from last year.  Questions about yearbook ordering can be directed to Mr. Tom Weber at 

Grandparents’ Day
Please watch your email for details about Grandparents’ Day.  This will be a formal uniform day and an  early dismissal for all students at 11:40 a.m.   Students should check with their coaches about games/practices.   Lunch will not be served.

Late Start
A late start is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2.  Please note, the Middle School doors are locked until 9:15 a.m.  Students arriving before 9:15 may be dropped off along Mendota Heights Road in front of the school and walk up the sidewalk to enter through Flynn Hall and wait in the cafeteria.  Breakfast is not served on late start dates and buses will run on a normal schedule.  Students will not have Community Time on late start dates. 

No School for Middle School on Wednesday, October 9
Juniors will be taking their PSAT on Wednesday, October 9.  This will be a no school day for all middle school students.  Please check with coaches about practice and game schedules for this day. 

PowerSchool Parent/Guardian Access
An email was sent home on September 7 with login credentials.  Please reach out to Mr. McKeehan at with any questions. 

Attendance, Late Arrivals, and Early Dismissals
Please communicate all attendance needs to Mrs. Greeley before 8:00 a.m.  Parents or guardians may email attendance at, call the attendance line at 651-683-1511, or report an absence through the STA app.  If your son is arriving at school after 8:00 a.m. or needs to be picked up before 2:50 p.m., he will need to use Flynn Hall doors and check in or out with Mrs.Greeley.  Students will not be admitted or excused from the Middle School doors during the day.  If  your son is late due to a medical appointment, please be sure to bring in a note from the medical provider. These passes are readily available from the medical provider’s main reception desk upon departure.  

Middle School Arrival
Middle School doors will not be unlocked until 7:30 a.m.  Students arriving before 7:30 a.m. should be dropped off on Mendota Heights Road and walk up the sidewalk to enter through Flynn Hall.  Students are welcome to use the ALC or cafeteria as a place to study in the morning and after school.  Breakfast will be available for sale in the cafeteria (except for late start days) - cash and credit card accepted. Middle School students may be dropped off at the Middle School doors from 7:30 - 8:00  a.m. 

Middle School Dismissal 
The last period ends at 2:50 p.m., at which time students are dismissed. Tutoring is available from 2:50-3:15 p.m. Monday - Thursday (or by appointment before or after school, per teacher).  

Students may be picked up at Middle School doors (#7) until 3:30 p.m. The Middle School closes at 3:30 p.m., at which time students may:

  • Report to Activities/Athletics (activities bus 5:30 Flynn Hall)
  • Supervised, quiet study in the Anderson Learning Commons or cafeteria until 4:30 p.m.
  • The building will close at 4:30 p.m.  All students on campus after 4:30 will be relocated to Ciresi Atrium in Flynn Hall.

Reminder: Visitors during the school day must check in at the Reception Desk at Vince Flynn Hall and pick up a name tag. ID must be presented to be issued a name tag.  Visitors are not permitted to enter through the Middle School.  

Middle School Phone Policies
Please remind your son of the STA Middle School Cell Phone Policies:

  • Cell phones (and smartwatches) are to be turned off, not on one’s person, and not used during the school day - upon entering the Middle School/start of school at 8:00 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.  This includes texting parents!
  • Students may ask to use the Middle School Office phone only during lunch or before/after school, unless it is an emergency.
  • Phones must be left at home or turned off and stored in a locker. 
  • Phones confiscated during the day are to be picked up by a student.
  • 2nd offense:  Phone picked up by a parent and student meeting with the Middle School Director and/or Dean of Students.
  • Parents ~ if you need to reach your son during the school day, please call the Middle School Office at 651-683-1570.

Have a wonderful weekend!

No post to display.


The Student Services team features the following weekly resource from Mrs. Schultz, Mr. Larson, Ms. VanDiver, and Mr. Moe. 

This week, we are featuring "How to Find Meaning After Loss".

You may be familiar with the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. After decades of research and his own experience with tragic loss, grief expert David Kessler ventured beyond that classic framework and sought a sixth, crucial stage: meaning. He shares practical wisdom and strategies for anyone seeking to honor a loved one's memory and move through life in light of personal loss.

See the resource here!

College Admission representatives are scheduling visits to STA! Visit times will take place during Community Time and after school.  The full list of college visits will be listed in Naviance, the College Counseling Page:, and announced at formation. This is a great opportunity to connect with representatives and learn more about the college admissions process.

Here's what's happening in college counseling:

ACT Test
Sept. 14, 8 a.m. start time, be in the building by 7:45 a.m.
Students must bring their entry ticket, #2 pencils and a calculator.

Next Coffee Chat!
October 4 at 9 a.m.
Join virtually here

College Visits
University of Chicago Visit
Sept. 16, 2:50 - 3:15 p.m.
College counseling office

Boston College Visit
Sept. 17, 1:15 - 1:45 p.m.
College counseling office

College of the Holy Cross Visit
Sept. 17, 1:15 - 1:45 p.m.
College counseling office

Gonzaga University Visit
Sept. 17, 2:50 - 3:15 p.m.
College counseling office

Benedictine College Visit
Sept. 18, 2:50 - 3:15 p.m.
College counseling office

University of Notre Dame Visit
Sept. 18, 3:15 - 3:45 p.m.
College counseling office

University of Mississippi Visit
Sept. 19, 1:15 - 1:45 p.m.
Virtual URL

Villanova University Visit
Sept. 19, 2:50 - 3:15 p.m.
College counseling office

Saint John's University (MN) Visit
Sept. 19, 3:15 - 3:45 p.m.
College counseling office

Lafayette College Visit
Sept. 20, 1:15 - 1:45 p.m.
College counseling office

Kenyon College VIsit
Sept. 20, 2:50 - 3:15 p.m.
College counseling office

College Planning Junior Parent Night
Oct. 2, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.


Greetings Fathers!  

It's time for the STA Fathers' Club Annual Meeting and Kickoff Event

  • Date: Monday, September 23, 2024

  • Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

  • Location: Fathers' Club Garage (North Side of STA Campus, on Lake Drive, near the VIS Softball Field)

Join the STA Fathers' Club for our Annual Meeting and Kickoff Social.  All dads and male guardians with sons at STA from 6th - 12th grade are invited!


We'll have burgers and beverages!  Join us and learn about the Fathers' Club activities and events for the upcoming school year to support our sons, meet other dads and enjoy the STA community!  We'll also have special guests from many of the STA athletic teams, clubs and groups.  It's a great night at the Famed Fathers' Club Garage!

This is a free event!  To register, please provide your name, email and phone number HERE!.  Invite another dad or 2 to join you!

Questions?  Email us at

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, September 29 at 6:30 p.m.!


Last week, junior Alex Golnik made an announcement at formation regarding the upcoming NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Walk and his participation in the effort to raise awareness and funds for the cause. 

You can help support him in a few different ways: 

1. You can JOIN THE STA TEAM. It only takes a minute and doesn't cost anything - just show support to Alex and his initiative. *It will ask you what your fundraising goal is (required field entry in the form - you can make up a number), but you DO NOT have to contribute.*

2. You can MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to financially support Alex and the STA team. 

3. Encourage your friends and family to support the team by sending a text or email, or by posting about NAMIwalks on social media. 

4. Join the STA team on the walk from 1:00-3:00pm on Saturday, Sept 28 at Minnehaha Park. DETAILS

The Mothers' Club is a great way to get involved and meet other moms. Please join us at one of our many events and volunteer opportunities!

First Mother/Guardian & Son Mass | All are Welcome
Mother/Guardian & Son Masses for the school year will be held the second Friday of the month at 7:15 a.m., with the exception of the Feast Days or days that conflict on the school calendar.  Mothers/guardians and their sons of all faiths are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please contact Erin Probst with questions.

Join us with your son on Friday, September 13 at 7:15 a.m!

Eucharistic Adoration 
Eucharistic Adoration is a time of quiet prayer in front of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will follow the Mother/Son Mass at 7:45 a.m. each month, with the reposition of the the Blessed Sacrament at 3 p.m. You don't have to "do" anything: just come and pray or take some quiet time for reflection.  Sign up here!

Eucharistic Adoration is open to anyone of any faith! Please contact Eucharistic Adoration Chair Myriam Grady with questions or to get involved.

Mothers' Club Social
Join us for the first Mothers' Club Social of the season on Wednesday, September 25!  RSVP here for this free & fun event!

Harvest Mass
Save the date for this mothers/female guardians only event on Tuesday, October 8!  More details will be coming soon.


The Fathers’ Club is an organization that includes all dads and male guardians of Saint Thomas Academy Cadets. By the nature of your son attending Saint Thomas Academy, you are a member of the Fathers' Club!  We’re excited you’ve joined us for the upcoming school year!

Email us at if you are interested in becoming more active with our Executive Team!

Fathers' Club Social - September 23!

  • Date: Monday, September 23, 2024

  • Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

  • Location: Fathers' Club Garage (North Side of STA Campus, on Lake Drive, near the VIS Softball Field)

Join the STA Fathers' Club for our Annual Meeting and Kickoff Social.  All dads and male guardians with sons at STA from 6th - 12th grade are invited!


We'll have burgers and beverages!  Join us and learn about the Fathers' Club activities and events for the upcoming school year to support our sons, meet other dads and enjoy the STA community!  We'll also have special guests from many of the STA athletic teams, clubs and groups.  It's a great night at the Famed Fathers' Club Garage!

This is a free event!  To register, please provide your name, email and phone number HERE.  Invite another dad or 2 to join you!

Questions?  Email us at

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, September 29 at 6:30 p.m.!


Calling all Dads!
The Fathers' Club is looking for dads and male guardians to help operate the Burger Stand at Varsity home football games.  It's a great way to meet other dads and support our boys.  All proceeds from the Burger Stand are used to support events and programs at STA.

Middle School, Freshman and Sophomore dads and male guardians are encouraged to sign up to allow parents of Varsity players to watch their sons play.

If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up through this link

Thanks!  The Fathers' Club appreciates your help!  Go Cadets!

First Friday Mass 
7:15 a.m. in the Saint Thomas Academy Chapel

  • Join us in the school cafeteria for coffee and conversation after a short Mass every first Friday of the month 
  • Our next First Friday Mass is Friday, October 4.

Fathers’ Club Spotlight Events 

  • Join us in celebrating our teams, clubs, and activities all year long with food and fun! 
  • If you know of an STA team or club to Spotlight, please send us a note.  Your son's coaches, team captains and activities leaders also have more information regarding upcoming Spotlight events. 
  • Proceeds from the Burger Stand are used to help fund our other Spotlight Events 

Executive Team Meetings
Our Executive Team meets twice a month to organize our activities for the year, connect with other STA constituents and collaborate with school leadership.  If you’re interested in becoming a part of our efforts, or have any other questions about our group, please drop us a note at 

Be sure to check out the Fathers' Club homepage for a complete listing of events, mission statements, awards, reps, etc.

The Fathers' Club is looking for dads and male guardians to help operate the Burger Stand at Varsity home football games.  It's a great way to meet other dads and support our boys.  All proceeds from the Burger Stand are used to support events and programs at STA.

Middle School, Freshman and Sophomore dads/male guardians are encouraged to sign up to allow parents of Varsity players to watch their sons play.

If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up through this link.

Thanks!  The Fathers' Club appreciates your help!  Go Cadets!

Athletics & Activities

The basketball program will hold an open gym ONCE per week in hopes that we get as many Cadets in the gym as possible. We are putting them later in the day so that fall athletes can get shots up after their practice. Here are the open gym dates (*dates subject to change*):

  • Tue 9/17/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 9/25/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 10/2/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 10/9/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Tue 10/15/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 10/23/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 10/23/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 10/30/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 10/30/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
  • Wed 11/6/2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM

2024-2025 Junior Gold Hockey Information
Saint Paul Tommies - September 2024

Registration for tryouts for the 2024-2025 hockey season is now upon us.

As a competitive option for those players not participating on school Varsity or Junior Varsity hockey teams, The Saint Paul Tommies (SPT) will continue to offer players a place to play the game they love.

Providing the opportunity for skill and character development while participating in the Junior Gold High School League (, players will experience a 24-game regular season (12 ‘away’ games, and 12 home games played at the Saint Thomas Ice Arena), playoffs, and potentially a State Tournament experience.  Teams often participate in tournaments during the season as well.

Under the umbrella of the West Saint Paul Hockey Association, the Saint Paul Tommies have historically placed one team at each of the JG16, JGB, and JGA levels.  Teams have typically rostered 15-18 skaters and 1 or 2 goaltenders.  Teams are selected after a tryout process, following the establishment of Saint Thomas Academy and Two Rivers high school hockey teams.  JG Tryouts are tentatively scheduled to begin on Sunday, November 17.  Ice schedule to be announced.  For those multi-sport athletes, tryouts will be adjusted to accommodate the completion of the full fall season.

The philosophy of Junior Gold Hockey has always been founded in opportunity.  Some younger players (freshmen and sophomores) use the JG16 experience to continue their development with an eye to playing for their respective Varsity/Junior Varsity High School teams in the future.  Many of these same players find a home with JG Hockey and end up eventually playing for one or both of the JGB or JGA teams - sometimes for a total of 3 or 4 years.  There are other players who come to the JGA team after their high school hockey experience has ended.  These are often Juniors and Seniors looking to continue to play hockey looking for a positive team involvement that compliments their overall high school athletic experience.

Notable for the 2024-2025 season is the potential for the number of teams to be adjusted, especially if there are not enough players interested in playing.  The JGA team is rostered with the ‘best’ players - oftentimes, regardless of age, or grade. The JG16 team typically rosters freshmen and sophomores.  The JGB team is the third option for players.  It is imperative that at least one goaltender is available for each team.  If there are only 2 teams established, the plan is to have a JGA and JG16 team.  

Preseason skates/clinics will be held on Sundays on October 20, and 27, and November 3, and 10.  Players are encouraged to also participate in their school Captains’ practices and high school hockey tryouts.

Please contact Bill McCarthy ( with any questions.

More details to follow.



Student photographers (or parents) are needed to take photos during football games.  Games are mostly on Friday nights.  If you have an interest, please contact Coach Travis Walch at

The Saint Thomas Academy Athletic & Activities Department is excited to partner with Game-One in providing athletic gear tailored towards the wide variety of sports and activities we offer at Saint Thomas Academy. This 24/7/365 online store allows fans of all Saint Thomas Academy teams and activities to purchase gear that meets our brand standards.

Click here to shop!

Through the link above, you will be able to customize various types of clothing with a specific sport and the Saint Thomas Academy "ST" logo. Ordering from this site is easy. Once you are done customizing your product, they will ship it to your front door within 7-10 business days. Because each piece of clothing is unique (dependent on placement of the logo, font, color, etc.), purchases from this site are final. Game-One does not accept returns for their customized orders. 

Currently, the site only has stores set up for athletic teams. They are currently creating the artwork for the activities we offer for upper and middle school Cadets. Future communication will be sent when the activities stores are up and running. 

Individual sport programs will still have their "team stores" season-after-season with their vendors, depending on who the head coach prefers to work with for their team's apparel needs.  This store is an opportunity for fans of Saint Thomas Academy to purchase specific sports gear directly to their home, whether they live in Mendota Heights, MN or Albuquerque, New Mexico.